TMJ Treatment Greenwood Village
Stopping the Source of Jaw & Head Pain

Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder can become a serious problem if left untreated. Your jaw can become overworked and strained just like any other muscles or joints throughout your body. Our dentists are here to help alleviate the pain and make jaw movement more comfortable. Call our office to find out how we can help with TMJ treatment in Greenwood Village.
Why Choose Landmark Dental Studio for TMJ Treatment?
What is TMJ Disorder or TMD?

TMJ refers to the temporomandibular joints that exist on either side of the jaw and are attached to the base of the skull. When these joints become overworked, inflamed, or damaged, it can cause significant pain that spreads throughout the head and neck (commonly referred to as TMJ disorder or TMD). It is believed that many individuals who suffer from TMD also experience frequent headaches and migraines.
Common Symptoms of TMD Include:

- Clicking or popping noises in your jaw joints
- Severe headaches
- Chronic jaw joint pain
- Toothaches
Muscle pain in your face and neck
Common Causes of TMJ Disorder/TMD Are:

TMJ Treatment Options

At Landmark Dental Studio, we offer multiple treatment options to help improve the function of your jaw joints so that you no longer suffer a misaligned bite or symptoms associated with inflammation and/or injury. These include:
- Custom occlusal splints/mouthguards – These oral appliances are designed using digital impressions of your smile. When worn to bed, the splint causes the jaw to move into a more comfortable position so that it is relaxed. Over time, it will become accustomed to its new orientation. This device is equally helpful in reducing signs of bruxism (teeth grinding).
- Occlusal adjustments/equilibration – If bite misalignment is the cause of TMD, we can provide occlusal adjustments/equilibration, which is the altering of certain teeth and restorations to create more fluid and natural movement. Teeth will come together correctly, and the jaw joints will move without causing pain.
- Lifestyle changes and/or medications – In addition to an occlusal splint or equilibration, we might also suggest lifestyle changes that include reducing and managing your stress, practicing various jaw stretches, engaging in relaxation techniques, avoiding hard and crunchy foods that can apply more pressure to your jaw joints, and more. There are also medications that can help alleviate inflammation and help relax jaw muscles, all of which you can discuss with our team during a consultation.